100% Green Hosting
We’re proud that our hosting is run on renewable electricity.


Web Hosting As Nature Intended

In 2004 we became the first public web host to be powered by renewable energy - no vague carbon offsets, actual onsite solar power - a direct connection between our data center and solar panels to provide power to the data center. We did this because we wanted to power a cleaner future and as an environmentally conscious company who cares about our future and our environment. Relying on emissions offsets is not the right approach. By generating electricity onsite using solar panels we are able to produce local grid energy that our data center is connected to.

Having achieved this, many companies saw our "green" website hosting and then purchased carbon credits themselves to try to compete. Feeling justified in doing their part, putting their feet up, and content that they’ve “done their bit” to advertise greenness, but continue with business as usual. In our eyes, generating local grid electrical energy via solar power isn’t the end goal, it’s the barest minimum first step. The planet is fast-approaching a global disaster, and merely being able to say that as a business we’re not actively making that process worse is wholly inadequate.  The status quo of inaction is no longer an option. The future demands on our ability to work together, now, to reverse the damage and restore our planet’s natural balance to allow people and nature to thrive in harmony.

The Internet threatens our environment and we need climate change now for the brewing climate crisis. That's why we're committed to making sure our hosting and company is as green as can be, through comprehensive environmental and social strategies that both reduces our impact today, and invests in the future. We’re taking action and always looking for new initiatives to contribute to both lowering carbon emissions and actively work to improve the environment locally and globally, beyond simply negating our business footprint. As well as making sure that our future choices will also be made with full regard to their social and environmental impact. Do you ever wonder what happens to your money when you deposit it into a bank? It doesn't just sit in a vault. It gets leveraged and loaned out to businesses and individuals alongside others' cash. We make sure all our business processes have a positive impact, such as our B Corp bank that uses the money we deposit towards local businesses, nonprofits, and individuals in need, and never to harmful actors. At least 75% of their lending goes toward their mission categories, and the rest never go toward projects or organizations that cause harm.
Renewable ENERGY

Consciously reducing our complete carbon footprint

Our company owned data center which runs all our local services is powered by locally produced renewable solar power. We’re so proud of our green credentials that green energy is now a key criterion for the selection of future data center partners - globally!  All life on our planet is powered by the sun in some way. Let your web site thrive on the planets abundant supply of renewable energy, the sun, and host your web site using our solar power for a clean tomorrow, starting today.

We operate our data center with as many green features as possible, even if the energy saving is miniscule, every bit helps. Such features include:
  • LED lighting
  • Dozens of drought-tolerant trees around our property to improve air quality
  • Recycled content insulation
  • Recycled gravel instead of pavement
  • Having a white building
  • Using a propane backup generator instead of diesel for better air quality
  • Hot aisle/cold aisle containment
  • BGP optimization software to route around packet loss preventing retransmits and latency improvements to reduce packet travel distance, thus saving energy
  • Network level bad IP blocking to reduce bad network and server traffic thus saving energy
We make sure everything in our data center is energy efficient and its environmental impact is a forethought and not an afterthought. Most data centers are cooled using fresh city water (mid-sized ones use around 300,000+ gallons per day (Google is in the millions per day)) and expel salty wastewater "blowdown" into the sewer for treatment. We currently use closed loop non-water based efficient AC systems and are working on switching to a closed loop ground source geothermal heat pump. Google, Amazon and Microsoft Cloud/Data centers are the worst polluters even though they tout they are green.

Other hosting companies just rent space, hosting plans or servers in the data center and cannot control how energy efficient or green the data center is. Hosting companies that do offset, just offset what their servers and maybe a little bit of what the data center uses, but the data center also has employees, vendors, and banks that are not accounted for in emissions, also known as Scope 2 and Upstream Indirect Scope 3 Emissions. We reduce, account, control and offset it all since we own the data center, majority of the software, the company and all aspects of its supply chain.
Efficient Hardware

Finding the balance between performance and environmentally friendly design

Even renewable energy is precious - so the next step in the process is to ensure that use of that electricity is also kept to an absolute minimum and used most efficiently. This starts with energy efficiency at our own data center and server level. We cycle out old hardware as newer, more efficient technologies come to market. When shopping for new hardware we look to strike the right balance between performance and environmental impact once the hardware is beyond its useful life (about 10 years). We were early adopters of SSD technology and offer SSD-based hosting plans using a mixture of high-performance yet efficient CPUs and an all-SSD storage solution. 

At a data center level, our data centers are highly efficient with leading PuE (Power Usage Effectiveness) ratios, thanks to use of energy efficient technologies such as cold aisle containment, free cooling, variable set point control, high-efficiency power-supplies, and automatic sensors on facility lighting.  We have multiple temperature sensors to be able to control our cooling systems and depending on outside temperature (from our weather station), variably raise and lower cooling set points as high as possible without effecting the data center equipment. We use hyper-converged virtual servers to ensure that we make the most efficient use of hardware, reducing the number of servers required to service our customer base. The PuE of a data center is the key figure that shows how green a data center actually is. Our USA based data center PuE is 1.10 and the UK data center is 1.3, where as most data centers in the US according to the EPA have PuE’s of 2.0 to 3.0. Our USA data center WuE (Water Usage Effectiveness) is 0 L per kWh. According to a US Department of Energy report, it takes about 7.6 liters of water on average to generate 1kWh of energy in the US, while the WUE of an average data center uses 1.8 liters of water for every kWh it consumes. Data centers with a WUE of 0.2 L/kWh or less use less than one cup of water for every kilowatt-hour delivered to servers.
Helping nature thrive

Planting many trees for your website

To further our commitment to the environment, we work with Gold Standard certified tree-planting organizations to plant trees across the globe. For every new hosting account that we provision on our platform, we will plant trees 🌲. Not just one tree and not just once, but many trees continuously as long as the service is active. You get your own virtual forest as part of our pledge where we plant and protect trees on your behalf, and you can see these trees from within your service in our control panel.
Green Employees

Reducing carbon use at home and work

Viridio is an organization built on the flexibility offered by telecommuting with all of our employees working from home, which eliminates the need for comminuting and an office building. To contribute towards the reduction in domestic carbon usage we encourage our staff to switch to 100% renewable supplies or solar at home and use a hybrid, plugin-hybrid or electric vehicle.
Every person in our organization also has their carbon footprint offset – simply because they work at Viridio. This not only includes time at work and any business travel, but also any carbon footprint they’ll produce outside of work too. To achieve this, we enroll all of our staff in monthly climate positive subscriptions with Ecologi. Each month that subscription plants trees around the world and offsets CO2 for each employee. We’ve also elected to plant additional trees in the US to go above and beyond, and help our local US based forests.

Sensible Policies

Being environmentally conscious is at the heart of everything we do. Along with a super-efficient, green, solar powered data center, as a company we also:
  • Completely electronic format paperless system for customer invoices and receipts. Avoid printing unnecessary documents and recycle all unneeded paper.
  • All staff work from home to minimize unnecessary commuting and avoiding all unnecessary travel.
  • Three Rs - We do everything possible to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  We correctly recycle/dispose of all equipment we no longer use.
  • Net Zero Emissions for Scope 1 and 2.
  • Carbon Neutral (CO2 offsetting) as much as possible for Scope 3 indirect upstream (all our vendors) and indirect downstream for website visitors (web page loads, email and DNS queries). Also Scope 3 investments are included via our B Corp bank and Green 401k initiatives.
  • Three Ps - Being dedicated to People and Planet and then Profit, view our mission here.
  • Employing solutions that meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Click here for our UN SDG Goals.
  • We've partnered with Ecologi, and with their help, each month we support a range of carbon avoidance projects which have been certified by Gold Standard to verifiably avoid CO2e, and which are also in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Click here to view our Certificate.
Host with us to help us achieve our goals

Taking positive action with our goals to help people and the planet.

Become a California Benefit Corporation.
Achieve B Corp Certification.
Plant 1 Million Trees by 2030.
Become completely Net-Zero in line with the SBTi Net-Zero Standard.  This includes scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
All staff use on-site solar power or purchase renewable power.
Become Actual Zero for Scope 1 & 2 with 100% onsite solar power with energy storage, thus not consuming any grid power.
Donate to our customers and businesses on the front lines of the most pressing issues; giving them economic & environmental support.
Become truly carbon negative, by "paying back" more carbon than we have consumed since we were founded. As well as investing in valid carbon sequestration projects.
Use a Green Bank that uses our funds for People, Planet, and Prosperity Only; and is B Corp Certified.
Carbon Neutral website hosting: CO2 offsetting each website page load by website visitors, including data centers in-between, transmission networks, plus the end user devices that view your site. Plus DNS and email usage CO2 offsetting.
Climate Focused Employee 401k with only investments that help solve climate change.
Our US based/owned data center use on-site solar power and local grid-tied solar power for powering the services we host. The UK data center uses renewable energy to power the data center operations.
Join 1% for the Planet to help fund environmental causes.


Every year our solar powered data center will eliminate the production of:

  • 34,488 lbs of Carbon Dioxide (CO2/GHG)
  • 50.6 lbs of Nitrogen Oxide (NOX/Smog)
  • 37.4 lbs of Sulfate (SO4/Acid Rain)
This is the equivalent of planting 8 acres of trees per year. Every hosting account with Viridio is green and powered by locally generated solar power.
A Commitment to People and the Planet

Rewilding the world

Decades of booming economic growth and technological advancement has had a detrimental impact on our wider environment and as a population we’ve felled trees, consumed dirty energy and destroyed habitats. As a company focused on sustainability, we wanted to go further than simply consuming green energy. We sought to give back to the planet in a way which actually mattered. Our business is powered by humans that work tirelessly to ensure our renewably powered servers keep humming, and our customers' questions are answered. But these humans each have their own carbon footprint. That's why we are committed to having a climate positive workforce, which means that for every member of our team, every month we plant trees and offset CO2.
  • We are committed to planting trees for every order we receive on a continuous basis (not just one tree). You can see the tree planting for your services in our control panel.
  • We are committed to planting trees and offsetting C02 for each of our employees, every single month.
  • We are committed to offsetting more carbon than we consume as a company, every single month.
  • We are committed to becoming truly carbon negative, by "paying back" more carbon than we have consumed since we were founded.
  • On top of planting trees around the world for our customers' web hosting services, we also plant trees in the USA. One of the current US tree projects is planting trees in the Appalachian region each month 🌲. We plan on funding other tree projects in California, Canada, the UK and Australia.
To make this possible, we have partnered with Ecologi, a Bristol, UK-based climate organization. They facilitate our tree planting and carbon avoidance projects. Ecologi works with Gold Standard certified and responsible tree planting organizations, and invests in projects that are certified at the very highest level to avoid greenhouse gasses. They are extremely transparent about their financials, and are backed by a superb team. Visit the Viridio Forest to learn more about the trees we've planted and carbon avoidance projects we've supported, thanks to our super-awesome climate action partner, Ecologi.
The reforestation (tree planting) projects we fund, we are not using as carbon offsets. The carbon emissions they will sequester will happen in the future, so for any reporting on carbon offsetting, we only use certified offsets from other avoidance projects (such as renewable energy). It's this combination of making reductions today, and planning reductions in the future that is our approach to a comprehensive strategy of limiting climate change.

Real Carbon Neutral Hosting

Every year, the Internet causes amounts of CO2 emissions that already correspond to those of international air traffic. Your website also leaves a significant CO2 footprint. About 50% of the energy consumption of websites comes from access by visitors, 30% from the use of infrastructure such as e.g. Wireless LAN, routers and networks (3G, 4G, 5G). Around 20% of the energy is used to power the servers.

When hosting your website with us, included in your hosting plan, will CO2 offset each website page load by website visitors, including data centers in-between, the transmission networks, plus the end user devices that are viewing your site. This is considered our Scope 3 emissions. We do this by monitoring the service logs that keep track of bandwidth used for each client. For website views, the logs include the IP address, what browser being using and the computer OS. Plus for DNS and Email hosted with us, we track and include DNS queries for your website and Email usage for CO2 offsetting, making your online website footprint 100% CO2-neutral. Using this passive tracking information and the Sustainable Web Designs' formula, we calculate and keep track of the CO2 usage of your hosting account, and then offset it for you using verified carbon offset projects from our partner Ecologi. These offsets have been certified by Gold Standard to verifiably avoided CO2e, and which are also inline with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. You can see the usage and offset information in our control panel under the Climate Impact section when managing your service. Click here to view our offset Certificate.

The vast difference in what a company shows for their CO2 emissions numbers comes down to what companies generally choose to include in these kinds of industry reports. Carbon footprints are often broken down into three “scopes,” with Scope 1 encompassing direct company emissions (i.e. factory emissions, brick-and-mortar offices, and its own vehicles for travel and commuting). Meanwhile, Scope 2 includes emissions stemming from heating, A/C, and electricity usage in company buildings like offices and data centers. Most hosting companies also use cPanel which has its own environmental footprint for the company and its employees, banks, etc. We built our own control panel so we don't have to use cPanel, thus lowering our Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 focuses on all the extra, indirect emissions from supply chain manufacturing alongside products’ lifecycle emissions. Most often, businesses choose to detail only Scopes 1 and 2, as they are usually smaller than Scope 3’s numbers, even when combined. This often makes a company’s carbon footprint appear much smaller than it actually is when seen as a fuller picture; a strategy often referred to as “greenwashing.” We cover all three to make sure we correctly account for all parts of our hosting and to the best of our ability in helping people, wildlife and the planet.

We are currently funding carbon avoiding projects and plan to also fund the more expensive carbon removal projects (projects that actually remove current carbon in the air) in the future as well. While the biggest impact we can make is to reduce our own emissions, carbon avoidance projects all provide complementary climate solutions to prevent greenhouse gas emissions, restore nature, and support local communities. Supporting these projects allows us to compensate for our remaining, unavoidable emissions. These projects are certified by either the Gold Standard or Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). Additional certifications for VCS certified projects indicate their contribution to sustainable development and the co-benefits they offer to local people and nature, such as the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS) and the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta). Our provider also uses third-party platforms, including carbon intelligence platform Sylvera, to ensure the projects we support are of the highest standard.

Green Hosting Badge

All Viridio client websites are powered by solar power. Just by choosing Viridio as your hosting provider, you’re helping reduce your organization's overall carbon footprint. 
This is something to be proud of, so why not show your visitors your website’s green credentials with your very own Viridio Green Hosting Badge? It’s free to use and gives a clear signal that you’re doing your bit to help the environment.
Display it on your website today to differentiate yourself from the competition and help raise awareness of how we can all make a difference in the fight against climate change.
We also have a dynamic badge in our control panel if you wish to show how many trees have been planted for your website along with being solar powered.
Just click the button below to get one of our many image options.