Moving into the Online Green Future...

Hello fellow Eco-friends!

For over 20 years, we have been known by many as AISO, Affordable Internet Services Online, Inc.,, and sometimes we're referred to as "GoDaddy" or "BlueHost". While we don't like being called names we aren't, we say we wouldn't mind the megabucks that GoDaddy rakes in every month to help people and the planet out (though that is not an easy raking if you're mindful of our planet's future)!

The eagle-eyed among you may have already noticed our hints. We would like to introduce to you, our new name moving forward: Viridio.

Viridi, in Latin, means "green". And of course, our beloved "O" designates the "online" world in which we hope to share our ecological values. The reputation and equity built under our previous identity is a valuable asset but no longer accurately reflects our role in making the online world as green as possible. The new naming and company effectively addresses this issue and our more geared towards our mission and goals. Our new company is also a California Benefit Corporation. We did not get bought out, we are still the same company and employees, just with a better name for our mission.

We are currently accepting checks to, Affordable Internet Services Online, etc., as well as Viridio.  However, in the coming months, we will stop accepting payments to our previous name and bank account number (for those of you on ACH payments).  Our payment processing company, Stripe, will also be changed from AISO -> Viridio.  You will notice this on your credit card statements.


Our address will remain the same.  Our banking information for ACH payments should also be updated -- please contact us for that information if you generally pay via ACH.

Our control panel address at will remain the same as well and will not change.

We will be slowly migrating other services such as email server/hostnames from to and to as we progress in the migration of our domain.

Regarding our new bank -- we recently switched to Beneficial State Bank (BSB), a certified B Corp, which is based out of California and currently services the west coast of the United States: CA, OR and WA.  BSB is committed to an economy that restores our planet and extends prosperity to all.  BSB invests in communities and people, the future and sustainability.

Beneficial State Bank:

We implore you all to investigate BSB if you are in the western states, for your business or personal banking needs.  The money invested by BSB is strictly used for human-centric purposes.  BSB has an eye for future technology and a sustainable economy, and we feel strongly that this is the right direction given our business and personal mission of ecological sustainability.

Please feel free to reach out to us,, if you have any questions or would like more information about our changes, our mission, our new banking partner, or anything else.

All normal email addresses will now forward to the proper address.

We thank you all for being the best thing in our world.  Cheers to all.

~ Your Team @ Viridio